Istanbul is a Turkish city that experiences moderate temperatures that is not so high or low. It has a lot to offer to start from best Nightlife in may September, sightseeing in July and Augusts, or experiencing a cruise in May. The perfect time to visit Istanbul is in Spring and Autumn season, i.e., March-may or Sep-nov. However, a brief about all the seasons of Istanbul is given below for your own choice.

1.Summer(June- August)

This season’s temperature varies from 18-degree Celcius to 27 degrees Celcius and reaches a maximum of 30-degree Celcius in August. It is hot weather with little rain and humidity but still has a generous amount of crowd. The major events to attend in Istanbul is Music Festival,  Istanbul Shopping Fest around May -June, Istanbul Jazz Festival in July, and victory day on august 30th. 

It is advisable to carry sunscreen and booking of the hotel due to the high accommodation prices.

2.Autumn (Sep- Nov)

At the beginning of September, the weather goes from 23-degree Celcius to 15-degree Celcius at the end of November as winter approaches. It is the most comfortable weather since it’s neither extremely hot nor cold and experiences rainy days in October.

The hotel’s prices start decreasing as the months pass, and therefore, we can plan a budget-friendly trip for this season. The significant events are Istanbul Biennial after every one-year gap, Contemporary Istanbul Programme in September and Akbank Jazz Festival, Istanbul Theatre Festival in November, and Istanbul International Puppet Festival around October.

3.Winter (Dec- Feb)

The average winter temperature falls between 8-degree Celcius to 12 degrees Celcius and makes it a low chance for snow. It is the coldest weather, which leads to less crowd. Although one can enjoy Istanbul Nightlife in this weather and cheap cost hotels are readily available. The significant events are the International Istanbul Gastronomy Festival and the Istanbul Independent Film Festival in February.

It is advisable to carry an umbrella, warm clothes and long coats for this weather.


The temperature varies from 18-degree Celsius to the highest 27degree Celsius at the end of May. This season of springs marks the beginning of beautiful colorful weather. The significant events in Istanbul Tulip Festival in march, Istanbul Film Festival in April, and Istanbul Music Festival around may June. It is one of the peak seasons and therefore the rates of accommodation are high.